"I don't trust anyone who says they don't like water.... when your body is like 75% water!"
Hydration is a key component of a healthy body because your body needs it on a cellular level... So without the right hydration, your body is lacking on a cellular level too.
How can you expect to reach your goals like that?
We need to replenish our water supplies often throughout the day - and hydrate extra when it is especially hot, you consume dehydrating food and drinks, or you are very active.
The rule of thumb is to drink 50% of your body weight, in oz of water. That's your goal.
It's time to drop all the excuses and why-not's for drinking more water, right now.
Here's how you're going to start falling in love with water whether you...
Hate the taste (or lack thereof)
Don't know what water is "best"
Feel bloated and full when you drink "too much"
Or have a craving for caffeine or carbonation
These tips will help you learn to love water and reach your ideal water intake for weight loss AND maintenance of overall health.
1. Add natural flavor to your water
How: add natural ingredients directly into your water, or in a diffuser like: berries, cucumber, ginger, lemon. You can also try flavor enhancers like crystal light, mio, etc... but those often have artificial sweeteners (which is a whole other issue) so I only advise as a transition to natural ingredients, if you have a real dependency on sugary drinks - like juice.
2. Get the best hydration with mineral rich spring water
How: opt IN to naturally alkaline spring water over purified water (which usually contains chemicals like chlorine and fluoride). And opt OUT of waters bottled in plastic - it leaches into the water and then you consume those nasty particles as well... You can usually find local water refill stations with alkaline water and fill up reusable dispensers. Or you can even set up purification systems for your home faucets to have a fresh source of clean water always available.
3. Drink at least 1 cup of water (8oz) every hour from 8am - 8 pm
How: set alarms or timers throughout the day to drink water. Or use a large bottle with time markers, to serve as a visual reminder. Even if you don't meet the mark every time, it will give you data of where you are falling behind so you can self-correct.
4. Replace your regular drink carvings with a healthy alternative
How: Try adding natural flavors to carbonated water/sparkling water for a refreshing soda alternative. If you really miss the caffeine, spring for hot coffee or tea when I want an alternative to water; making these at home and using natural sweeteners like honey, agave, and stevia allow you to control your caffeine and sugar intake.
BONUS TIP: Herbalife Nutrition makes drink mixes for any health needs - I've used them to completely replace juices, energy drinks, fiber supplements, and pre-workout. So it's easy to stay hydrated and support my health goals at the same time.
*Reply to this post to learn more about what products would be best to support YOUR hydration goals too!
Now does any of that sound hard?? Be honest with me and yourself.
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Once you start to properly hydrate your body, you'll open the doors to your next level of health.